Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Website Field Trip

Website Field Trip

Q Review and study this site; and find the section on ethics, write a short report on your findings and answer the following questions: 1. Who sponsors this site? 2. What is the purpose of this site? 3. How does this site relate to CJ and ethics and this course? 4. What are some of the new and interesting facts that you learned from this site? 5. Does this site have anything for CJ students? Submit your findings by using the drop box. ?

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1. International Association of Chiefs of Police sponsor this site. 2. The purpose of this site is to design and shape the future of the policing profession. This site is available for every individual in order to know and explore the activities of the International Association of Chiefs of Police ( 2018). 3. In this website, there are also availability of the news regarding the judgements of the police. This site is perfectly related to the criminal justice as this site provides enough information on the actions of the police for securing the lives of the civilians. While doing that the police professionals have to follow ethics